Blended Massage Therapy
What is a blended massage?
A blended massage is a combination of a few different types of techniques. For example, a deep tissue massage performed on part of your body you might have an injury or spasms in and a relaxation massage near the end of the massage to give you a calming mind and relaxed state of your body. This would allow you to have the therapeutic benefits of the deep tissue massage and the relaxation of a Swedish massage all in the same treatment. Sometimes the different types of massage are done in two different parts of the body.
Why would you want the blended massage instead of a regular massage?
Some people have sensitive areas where deep tissue massage or a firm pressure causes them discomfort or even pain but other areas on their body need that firm touch in order to release the spasms and relax the muscle. These types of patients benefit greatly from the diversity of the blended massage.
Patients with shortened muscles from a blended massage that includes stretching and can benefit either before or during the stretching. Massage performed during movement is a technique called active release or ART for short. This is very effective till lengthened muscles, relieves pain, improves flexibility, and increases circulation.

Benefits of a blended massage:
Uses many different types of techniques to achieve different types of relief
Decreased pain in muscles and joints
Increased flexibility and movement
Improves healing of injuries
Increased blood circulation
Eliminates metabolic waste and toxins from the muscles
Reduction of muscle tension
Relieves stress and induces relaxation