Hi everybody Dr. Julie McLaughlin here with McLaughlin care and it is Functional Medicine Friday. I am super excited to be here. And again, this week we are going to be talking about what's the risk with our McLaughlin care risk assessment.
So we've gone through the first 10 questions of our risk assessment, there's 20 altogether. And today we'll be talking about the next five. If you'd like to take this risk assessment online, you can go to our website, it's totally free to answer the questions and you will get your risk assessment score immediately after you complete it. So let's get going here. So risk number 11.
Do you smoke or use tobacco? So vaping is going to count in this category, right? Vaping is definitely going to count. So we all know smoking's bad for us. It's no surprise. It's not like new news that like, Hey, smoking is bad for us, but did you know that women who smoke risk having an heart attack 19 years younger than a non-smoking woman?
I got to tell you that's bad because the average woman. Who has a heart attack. Do you know what the first symptom is? Death. Death is the first symptom of a heart attack for a woman. So if you're going to have it 19 years younger, that's a really big issue. And I would really like you to consider stopping because even popping one cigarette a day that hikes the threat of the heart attack by 63% and smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day, quadruples that number.
So we can all agree that smoking is bad. But sometimes we just think about lung cancer, which is kind of a long, slow death in long-term, but a heart attack. That's a real deal. That's the number one killer. So we gotta stop that stuff.
Risk number 12. Do you drink soft drinks? Regular or diet it doesn't matter. If you're drinking this stuff, we call it liquid death. Liquid death, because one to two sodas a day increases your risk of diabetes by 26%, cardiovascular disease by 35%, and stroke by 16%. You're like, wait, hold on, hold on. You said diet? Like why diet? Well, guess what, what does diet soda have besides a lot of chemicals, it has artificial sweeteners. And so do artificial sweeteners tastes more or less sweet? More sweet. So when you drink a diet soda and your tongue tastes that sweetness, your body says, Hey, something sweets coming down, get the insulin, pump it out. So your body pumps out the insulin cause it tasted it because your tongue and your taste buds are part of your digestion.
Then when no sugar comes because you drank a diet. Your body's going to start craving it. It's going to go into full-on craving mode of craving sugar, craving food, and you're actually going to eat more and drink more by drinking diet soda, not to mention the liquid death chemicals. So if you got this. We need to stop it. Nobody needs diabetes or heart attack.
Risk number 13, right? This is for women only. Do you experience high blood pressure or have gestational diabetes during your pregnancy? So if you had preeclampsia eclampsia, which would be high blood pressure, or gestational diabetes during a pregnancy, this gives you a much higher risk of having a cardiovascular disease later on because it thickens the walls of your blood vessels. It also gives you a much higher risk of having hypertension later on. And the diabetes risk is both for the mother and the child. So, you know, we can't control these things.
So this happened to you during a pregnancy. What we can control is working on our lifestyle to prevent these other things, because you have a higher risk so we need to be much more vigilant on making sure we're staying away from the sugars and things that could cause us more problems.
This one is just for men. So men, do you have erectile dysfunction? So this is an issue. Now, if you're taking viagra or something like that, you can't answer no to this because you still have the problem, that's why you have to take a medication, right? So if you have erectile dysfunction or you're taking a medication for erectile dysfunction that increases 1.4 times risk of cardiovascular disease and viagra does not protect against cardiovascular disease. So that's your first clue and it's a big glue, right? That we have some heart disease going on that we need to address. So don't let that be where you stopped to try to correct that problem. You need to look and address the rest of your systems to try to clear out that heart disease, because heart disease is the number one killer, not erectile dysfunction. So we need to address the whole person and the whole picture.
Number 14. Do you take supplements daily that were recommended or prescribed to you by a healthcare provider? Now I see lots and lots of patients every day. And lots of people take vitamin supplement, but they don't know what they're taking. They don't know the quality they're taking. They don't know the doses. They don't know the type, they're taking too much, too little, or they're taking things that hurt them.
And so I want to highly highly recommend that if you're taking this. Get advice from a healthcare practitioner. We do this here in our office, and I'm sure many of you have docs who are doing this for you, but there's very, very good reason to believe that the higher intake of certain nutrients will prolong your life.
We believe in it so much that we have our McLaughlin supplement shop online. We have 24 different custom packs that I've formulated. For 24 different conditions. So we have the daily multipack, we have a hair, skin and nails. We have the diarrhea manager, we have the digestive aid. We have the diabetes, blood sugar, cholesterol, there's 24 of them.
So if you're thinking that you need some help, give us a call, give your a doctor call, or you can check out online on our https://www.mclaughlincare.com/supplement-shop. So remember what gets measured gets managed, make sure you know what your risk factors are. You make sure you know, and then check your physiology and have your labs done on a regular basis.
So how are you going to change your risks? You're going to eat better, move better, think better, and you're going to sleep better. Remember, we're always here for you. If you need your risk assessment done and reviewed, if you need blood pressure, pulse oximetry, body posture, body composition, core flexibility and strength, and of course any lab tests, we are here to help you with any of your healthcare needs. So that's it for Functional Medicine Friday. See you next week.
Check out our online supplement store: https://www.mclaughlincare.com/supplement-shop
Take the risk assessment quiz: https://www.mclaughlincare.com/risk-assessment